In all my years of putting up with afflictions.
I would never have come to my ultimate conclusion. I am like a lost sheep, that does not have anywhere to go. I am in a strange land of opportunities, but I feel all alone.
Please help me, Jesus, in your blood, spread all over this world, and let us take action. For the wages of sin, have come to their conclusion, and why should the innocent suffer, without cause. I wish not death on this man that has judged me, but peace, to the Earth.
You have taught me immeasurable lessons, and You alone walked me through the fire.
I have no fight left. Oh, Jesus, I am scared, please bring The Comforter down, and rest with me, while I grow in knowledge, wisdom, communication, compassion, understanding, patience.
Lord, I know you have not forsaken me, but what must I do now?
Our lives are muddled in all the generational garbage,
that man and his ancestors have kept alive of greed, materialism, wants not needs, everyone is affected.
I need to write to the afflicted; I am not alone.
I have to fight for God’s truth, in God’s time. “In the name of The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit, as it was, in the beginning, is now and ever shall be the world without end.” Thanks be to God The Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost.
I have nowhere to hide.
Show me Your Way. Show me through, Your Eyes. Show me through, Your Guidance. Show me through, Your Courage, understanding, wisdom, fortitude, acceptance, patience. Through The Oneness of Eternity Which You Possess.
Bring Your Word Alive, through me. Let me be diligent, in receipt of Your Gift, to me. And let’s together, Proclaim The Prosperity of Soul, Life Through, Jesus Christ Our Savior. March 4, 1996, Wendy Yvette Greenwell
© 1996-2024 by Wendy Yvette Greenwell