I need to start editing again.

One of multiple Photos of this thing around the moon
I Am Sharing Your Love With The World

    I am Sharing Your Love With The World. I do have two books, already. I was in detrimental anguish. I need your spark ignited for regeneration purposes. I have shared with You with the World. I am sharing Your Love with the World. You gave me the most beautiful revelations, to capture on paper, so to reflect on, In God’s Great Power Calling.

    Bring me into the light again so that I can take, The World to Your Presence in Spirit, in, “In Presence of Spirit.” Thank you, Jesus Christ, for all the blessings. Thank You, Jesus Christ, for the love, throughout all generations, since the beginning in your arms of grace. I gave You My Love, from flesh to “In Presence of Spirit.” I Love You, Jesus Christ, from henceforth to forever.

It is fun writing a journal

    Of what is, and ever shall be World without end. Paid in full, “In Presence of Spirit,” written by Wendy Greenwell. Oh Lord have mercy on me, and you, and everyone who finds that the kingdom of heaven, is within our being. Thank You, Jesus Christ, for Your Love, and Your Stamina, and Your Friendship in Spirit of Our Heavenly of Heaven, from heaven with love, awe.

    Oh Lord, what to do? Help me decide, what to do. Oh Lord, what am I suppose to do now, after the Book is being Published. Oh God, I do not want to be afraid. I gave it to You, to take it where You want it to go. We will be Okay.

    Oh God, I am heartily sorry for all my sins. We will be Okay; we are Okay, Ha, I am not, nothing is lacking, what to do? “In Presence of Spirit,” was given me to Bless the World from God through Jesus Christ, to us, the Children. All the God Family is home in a couple of days. Remembering: one day is as a thousand years, to the Lord.

    I have faith that the book will sell, (one day.) We will be alright. The Spirit will take it around, the World. It is, it’s destiny, to touch millions, not a one, will not know, that the way home, is close to one’s heart, and soul, To the Oneness of Truth, Christ iss in our essence.

We are one in the Lord.

    Yes, we are, Lord Help! I did not go crazy. I loved writing, and putting together“In Presence of Spirit.” It is Jesus Christ Holy Spirit, in my writings, in spirit. Incredible that You gave me this job to do. “I asked for it.”

    The descriptive-an account of statement that describes, Foundation for Author’s, who needs a sponsor, Cerebral Palsy Foundation, Counselors for all crisis, bring them into, the oneness of Christ. Lord, Guide Us, through The Awakening of Your Everlasting Soul. Help Ignite, the light that is Yours in everyone’s, soul. Bring the energy of fulfillment, to the explosion of answers from Christ, through to us.

Awe to be free with Christ is the answer.

    Why do I continue to stagnate in inability? I need to, I have to, jump off the mountain, and fly out, into, “In Presence of Spirit,” because it is being completed. Up, Up, and away we go, this indeed is the dawning. We are the Chosen; we have been given the key, to our everlasting hearts, from Jesus Christ Holy Spirit, with love.

    Oh Lord, I am sorry, I got hard on the ex-today. He has to make right by his first children. I do not have to feel his pain; he made his choices, he can stay in them. They always have to be involved, but if it were not for them, pushing me to the edge, I would not have been able to write. It is all so weird.

I am an Author, soon to be Published, Author,

    I am not ready, but the book is. It is a beautiful piece of work, and we know, there is more for book 2. I do go straight to the point of the matter. “I will Publish a Book, for all the afflicted.” I need help Jesus, with myself. Help me find the door to walk through.

    Man always ends up dominating the Woman. Just watch, and see, to whom has not seen yet, everyone is affected. My writings do state a positive approach, but I am choosing to be lost. When in that Holy instant, I can give it all to God, and He can, and will take care of it, for me.

    There is not enough time in a night. I am tired of driving and catering. I do have to move back over there. I should make a complaint about the whole system, I have. The horror stories my kids have of school sickens me, and no one can do anything about it. High School, Middle, 9th grades are infested with drugs. Drugs, sex, fun in all the wrong places, and the Parents are to blame.

    Not, it is the generational abominations; it is hell on Earth. It is a misunderstanding. It is controlled, and power, with no truth in existence. It is in the dark, till the light be ignited, from without to within. Help with all these problems I have.

    The cover of the book is finished. Oh the cover of my book, it was all mine, and now, I must share it, to the World, anyone who is searching, will find. Lord find my way, to the Holy Spirit, today. Oh Lord Have Mercy On Us All.

    What to do? Where to go? Stay still, listen, ask, to whom the seed was meant for, One Christ, One Mind. Oh Lord have Mercy on Everyone and I.

    I need to jump on Your Wings, and Fly-out into, “In Presence of Spirit.” I have published a book. I keep freaking. I can not take it back, I will not take it back, even with the small fear I have. It is beautiful, and people will understand it.

Whenever you feel the I have to of it, do it,

    That is the vision. I have completed Book 1. I have book two but will see if I am supposed to Publish it. I have to work on it. No time right now. Well, everything is going to be alright. Oh Lord have mercy on me. Lord Be With Us. I did not write about the condition; I was in, I concentrated on Jesus Christ, in my writings, prayers, and supplications.

    I wrote, “In Presence of Spirit,” April 1988,
The name did not come with the writing. Not overnight, it took me two months to name it. I thought about it long, and hard. It had to have a name, and it had to be perfect.

    Then the name appeared to me, “In Presence of Spirit,” what a perfect name. What better name for the Book. It started with the first writing, few after, then years later when all was said, and done, 1996, I started writing. A whole book, plus one, yeah two books, but is there a second to be shared, or kept here, will see, what time brings.

    Oh Lord Protect Us. Have Mercy on Us. Guide Us, Direct Us to Eternity, which You Possess. Lord, You brought Your words alive through Me. Thank You, Jesus. It is accomplished at least, the first part. I missed a lot, but oh well, I will get to it.

John 14, 15, 16, 17, Michael Arch Angel, Guide and Direct Humanity to Jesus Christ, in the Love. Jesus Christ, Protect Us, Show Us The Way Home to You, Lord Jesus Christ. We Love You. We have waited, what seems like an eternity, for You.

    We ask for, Your Presence in Spirit. Lord We Love You. We need You. We have to have You. You are The Presence of Spirit. You are the One Humanity, has been paining for, for without You, they would still be void. With You, there is light.

    Light the torch of the word, Lord. Jesus Bring the Christ Alive, in all Our Brothers, and Sisters, from the beginning to now, and to the future.

    Thank You for, “In Presence of Spirit.” Thank You for Your Love of Spirit, To Bring Peace To All, through You, Round About, The Glory of You, in Your Oneness of Omniscience.

    Oh Lord, I Love You, I Need You, I ask You back, completely Lord. Your lessons of love, understanding, knowledge, have been verified. Bring Peace to All through You, from You; I Love You, Jesus Christ.

    Restitution: the act of restoring the state of being restored amends, reparation, indemnity, compensation. 2001 Wendy Yvette Greenwell

© 2001-2024 by Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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