I received a phone call,

Night Photo, no rain
I have several, I will make a gallery

rescheduling the Doctors visit. It is tomorrow morning. 1/12/2022.

    I needed to OPEN up about my present situation. I do not feel, I need to delete it. I am not crying about my long standing commitment, into the twenty first year of living, with a severely crippled man. That is bed bound now.

    I asked the Lord for a friend, he did to. Otherwise he would have been in a Nursing Home at 58. When his Parents went in. Our friendship was meant to be.

    He was the only one I ever read my writings to. Then I read the first one of the New Year, to my sister, not my twin. She said, it is not your ex, I laughed, and said no. Those few sentences, and she said, yes, Publish it. Short and sweet.

    This was a choice I made out of two choices, going into housing, and getting kicked out with my three teens. Or taking Richard up on his offer, He said we would not get evicted.

    My three teenagers, and one grandbaby move in, and then he moved in, a couple of weeks later. He always said he bought it for me, to take care of him, essentially. At the same time I am a home body, so I did not mind not having an out side this property, anything. Accept the essentials.

    I have been at home since the first day my kids and I, and one grandbaby moved in. I have 18 grandchildren, one in heaven, one great grandbaby. That means my Dad has 18 great grandchildren, and one great great grandbaby boy. He has met 6, so far.

    I am going to input some prayers I wrote within, the 26 years.

    Colossians 3:2, “Set affections on things above, not on things on earth.”

    Oh Lord, I hope in all these attributes in affirming the positive oneness with the words and inspiration of the Bible.

    That you show me the doors to enter into conscious, subconscious agreement. To come be in the outer world, a productive witness in testimony for you and the ever presence of your majesty.

   Dear Lord in whom we trust. Keep my mouth closed. Know one understands what I have truly conquered through, Christ Jesus.

    Not to make a big deal but it is the biggest present I ever asked for. I have to share. Time is up. I can not procrastinate the inevitable anymore. I wrote a book it is Published.  It has not been read, but by a few.

    I am an identical twin, she has not read it. I want to share, “In Presence of Spirit.” I have always felt the need to share. I am ready to share a gift. It has been so graciously given to me to share. Time in, “In Presence of Spirit. With people who need some spirit up time.

    It calms the spirit, it contemplates, it listens, it relieves, it balances the positive, and tips over the negative. It calls out to the presence of spirit in everyone’s soul. It identifies the difference between flesh verses spirit.

    Spirit is much more soothing. The ailing heart feels the presence in the words that are formed to dialog the conversations with the Lord.

    Lord has an ever loving presence of spirit, in everyone that ever was, is, and ever, will be. One in presence of spirit in you, with you, beside you, entwined in the ever presence of Your Majesty.

    All in All. All is one in Spirit. Open up to the Christ Spirit within us. Bring inner healing to a oneness in truth for all, in Spirit, it is done. Wendy

© 2022-2023 inpresenceofspirit.com Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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