I am going to print, “In Presence of Spirit.”

No, books 1 and 2, it’s all together. “In Presence of Spirit,” it is magnificent, it is from Him with love, for Mankind, not just myself.
So what if it is Wendy, who He gave this awesome blessing, to give to all the Family, which is everyone in the World. I remain, Wendy, only on the writings. It is a shame, what has happened, in the Universe. Our Universe is inside our inward being.
He will ignite the light, that is everyone’s, in their heart of hearts.
Then the cleansing will take place. To Redemption World Wide, and Regeneration, to the One Heart, which is, One With the Universe.
Yes my life, is in straights, but I will, along with my children, and everyone else, will Come Inside To The Christ Within. To bring Peace, To The Multitudes. In one heart, to the more significant cause: To Jesus Christ in Heart, Soul Revelation. It belongs to Jesus. Then purification of the illusion.
Read Romans, Corinthians, all of the writings, in The Bible, are prophetic, all contain the way home, to purpose, and healing, before we can not anymore.
Things look bad on the outside. But they are getting better; you are reading this letter. (No, I never sent it.) The second year of writings, read about; inside prayers. I do not complain, about my present situation.
It goes forward in faith, to the truth of our existence. In one heart, one soul. To the promises, that were passed down. For the regeneration of everyone’s soul.
World Union can happen.
It is God’s will, even though evil, has taken over. The fog has got to be lifted, for everyone. I was stuck on Mom and Dad, and this came out of me. Sorry, my writing is not directed, to you.
I am going to shock, the first few people, who read it. This time for an answer. No one has verified, and I alone, have written all of them. I could not give up.
I have to, for; Jesus because it is from, Him.
I would be selfish, to keep them, to myself. Let’s see what the Editors say. Everything is going to be OK. We will have our paradise, with no worries.
Yes, my situation was laughable. Who do I think, I am. Simply Wendy. With a gift to share, from; The Spirit of Christ, In Faith of His Ever Presence. He knows I love, and I love so much, I am sharing it, to the World.
Please do not be embarrassed by me; it is not for greed, it is for righteousness.
From God through Jesus to Us. He is real; everyone has to heal. Everyone is hurting. Fear of death drains all the maladies that have taken over. It will be eradicated, in the blood of Jesus Christ.
I wanted to share the passion, that was given, to write, but you know. I hit a wall. No one believed because of my outward appearance. You have to cleanse from within; then eventually the outer will reflect, no. I know it has not happened yet.
Once this is out, Wow 1546 days since I left, and started writing, I have 93 writings, separate, saved, on a disk. I still carry my work with me. I feel better. I do not trust anyone.
I have not written a letter like this in a while. We all have to live in our own being. We have to give it to God, then he does, the rest. Follow Him always. I hope you read the masterpiece. I was guided to write, from Jesus, with Love. March 26, 2000, Wendy Yvette Greenwell
©2000-2024 inpresenceofspirit.com by Wendy Yvette Greenwell