Today I pledge my everlasting love for You Jesus Christ
and Your Ever Presence. I know that our conversations in spirit, are omnipresent, which makes them yours mine and ours, to share with anyone that will one day read them.
All my conversations, coming together to complete my part. It is a pretty big piece of the whole of the incredible space, “In Presence of Spirit,” in Spirit, One on One Conversations with The Lord. Not just for me but you also.
From God The Father, God The Son, God The Holy Spirit. I in Him and Him in me, In Presence of The Holy Spirit, left for us to find. So all will be United in The Oneness of Christ Jesus and The Holy Spirit’s Magnificent Presence. Where ever The Holy Spirit is, there I am also, and you and everyone else. “Time never-ending but standing still.”
Well, what is up! “I can only imagine.” Ha! Oh Lord, bring back the love, and understanding, the feeling, of life love and the giving up to Heaven The Very Presence of The Holy Spirit in our writings. “In Presence of Spirit,” with The Holy Spirit, Lord of Lord, Host of Host, Son of God in the here and now of yesterdays tomorrows. Wendy Yvette Greenwell July 26, 2012
© 2012-2023 Wendy Yvette Greenwell