Faith, protection, understanding.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for The Presence of Your Spirit

The Cleansing of the cobwebs, Knowledge, continual process, but constructive, instead of destructive, Courage, Fortitude, The Courage in endurance, Patience, Guidance in things not seen, Plus gift of writing, “In Presence of Spirit,” the book.

Total Salvation. Seventh You Rest, In and Through, The Unveiling of Christ,

Which gives you life, and through Christ, is freedom from damnation, Baptism-Total Immersion, is the reincarnation of our souls, in the here and now. From the death of sin, to fully understanding, the meaning, and rights, that are given through, The Love of Jesus Christ’s, love for His Father. In following through, “The One Truth” To Purification, Laid His Life Down, To Save Mankind, From Darkness.

    Deliverance, shedding off all the old beliefs, and misconceptions of life’s cycles. To break itself off, so the regeneration could come forward, in the designated time.

 Forgiveness whoa, lamentations, in order.

    Supplication, Awesome Prayers In Faith, of His Ever Presence, and The Sphere In Which He Can Hear, and So Regenerated, His Passion, Through My Faith, In His Presence, In Spirit.

    My loses, gave up my life. Granted immunity. Freedom to follow through with the unveiling course, to the promises, judgments, mysteries. Clarification in understanding, allowed. Knowledge, attained. Wisdom, In The Spirit, Realm.

    Constructive thought, on paper, anyway. Getting out of the complete negative, to sowing the seeds, for the mass regeneration, through Jesus Christ, Teachings. His Love for His Father, in Heaven. The Testaments from old, of The Coming of The Messiah. To Fulfill, The Treasure of God’s Blessings, Promises, Mysteries.

    To Bring Peace to Mankind, from The Love of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy of Holiest Spirits, through Jesus Christ’s love, life. Mortified Cruelty, endured. For the more significant, to put an end, to the dominion of sin. To lay the way for death in the flesh, to life eternal, with Him, in Him, through Him, round about Him.

    In The Life, The Ministry, in The Unified Oneness, with Our Father, Who Is In Majesty, awaiting the arrival of all the souls, that have been lost, through the generations. Searching for The Truth.

Only through Christ, lies the answers, to the questions, that need answers.

    Now, for complete regeneration, “Save The World.” Inside every person, is a soul from God, waiting to be let free, from the bondage, that has kept humanity chained.

    The cleansing can only be attained, through the transition from sin. To fully accepting Christ, as your, Personal Savior. The Baptism and The Holy Spirit will take you through, from the cleansing to the truth, continued protection.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for The Presence of Your Holy Spirit.

My faith lies in Your Blood of Blessings, For Mankind to Come In Heart Passion, To The Truth, of Our Existence. To Be Redeemed From Darkness, To The Light of Jesus Christ my love, my reason for living still. May 16, 1997, Wendy Yvette Greenwell God Bless You With Understanding. needed some extra editing.

    February 19, 2016, I have 300 pictures to re-attach, now I am doing pages, left the attachments for today anyway. November 10, 2016, still have several hundred to put the name on. I am not writing and I did not bring any of my writings with me to San Antonio.

    I needed a break. I have been gone a month and ten days. My twin and I have lived 250 miles apart for 27 years. Well, 25 I lived with her for 2 years February 1996, January 1998. I love the hills. We are helping each other. December 17, 2016, Ready to go back the 16th grandchild will be here within ten weeks.

© 1997-2024 by Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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