Thank You for reading my writings I wrote, “Reflections of In Presence of Spirit,”

Perfect Atmosphere that night I captured this Photo in the rain.
It counts, when every single person, calls on the name of Jesus Christ.

With who I thought was the husband of my youth, in spirit, yes! They are unique writings because I opened up in a whole different way.

They are not about him,

But through him, to you. That is the only way I can write, Prayers for Forgiveness, Friendship, Compassion, Understanding, Encouraging, A Breath of Fresh Air. A Dynamic View, in an unfortunate situation. A place to escape, where it counts. It counts for every single conversation; I have with the Lord.

It counts, when every single person, calls on the name of Jesus Christ.

    Every conversation can be one sentence or pages upon pages. You do not have to forget your special times with the Lord. When you are bored, and you do not have anything to do. Write to the Lord.

    Write vocabulary words from the Bible, and write the definition and the thesaurus. Or have a conversation with the Lord. I prefer writing because then I can publish later. I am a weird one.

I have poured my soul out on paper to the Lord,

    Not just for me but the World. I believe this. Even in my poverty. Do not get me wrong. Richard, my friend, has provided a home that is comfortable. Accept the ceiling is going to cave in pretty soon. (From the roof because someone at the insurance agency stole the check to fix the roof.) This house is only 12 years old.

    I have had glaucoma for eight years now, and for some reason this last week, I have had high pressure. It was only eighteen when I went to the Doctor on Thursday. But it was high last Friday. Maybe it is all the time; I was spending on my blog. I pushed the computer back further from me, and it helps a little, I guess.

I think it was better for me to write, “Reflections of In Presence of Spirit,”

With or Too, or whatever, to the husband of my youth. It is not fun to hold a grudge. I did not want him to be in jail for Child Support even though; I do not think prison is the answer for non-payment. Well for him anyway.

    He was my friend, in the fire of my soul. He was my confidant. He is the one I talked to. Well, we remain friends. Weird in away. He is the Father of our three grown children, and grandfather to our ten grandchildren, one in heaven. And even though we do not share in that together, it is OK. September 23, 2013, Wendy Yvette Greenwell

January 17, 2018,

Since all my writings have all the dates, I edited them. I am going to leave the next bunch as it is. I do not care if anyone with a website that reads my writings, think this is awkward in any way. These writings are for me, they are mine, to share, “My Way.” As for the copyright. I am going to put © 2013-2018 inpresenceofspirit.com Wendy Yvette Greenwell from beginning to end.

    I have nothing to lose. I am fulfilling my hearts quest and desire. To share my, “In Presence of Spirit,” with the World. It is meant to be.

    So I am going to work, as no one is watching, even though, I am sending them out to the World as is, and just maybe they are getting read, and hopefully prayerfully understood.

    God Bless The Holy Congregation of World Healing in and Through The Love of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Thank you, Lord, for giving me time with you in, “You are and I am In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord.” Shared with anyone who finds my writings. Lots of work to do. I have already started. Here’s to, “In Presence of Spirit’s, 30th Anniversary.” Wendy, now it is January 10, 2019.

©2013-2024 inpresenceofspirit.com Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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