It does not matter.

Get over it, OK. Oh Lord have mercy on Us. Forgive me, my sins. We are worthy, to accept, the testimonies, herein. I am not alone. We can not torment ourselves over, and over, after Salvation, because we are cleansed. Lord teach me, Your Will. Guide and direct me, To what, You want me to do, with our writings. I do not know where to go. I do not know who, to send it.
Oh Jesus, Your Resurrection to Life Eternal, is Complete. You are waiting for us, to make up our minds. Can there be the presence of spirit, living in me? Wanting to be set free, wanting the powers, that fill The Spirit, with more power. To Produce through, Mankind Healing, from You through them. What am I asking for? But a chance to be read. December 25, 2007, Wendy Yvette Greenwell
© 2007-2024 by Wendy Yvette Greenwell