Oh Lord, have mercy on the entire World.
Lord Jesus in your name I do pray. It is amazing the depths of my souls voyage. To stay constant, in presence of spirit, would be the ultimate.
Oh but that I am a constant in motion, since the writings came to be, entwined, in presence of spirit. My Blessing on the World, “In Presence of Spirit.” “You are, and I am In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord.”
Thank you Jesus Christ for the presence of the Holy Spirit, throughout, “In Presence of Spirit.com” I am sharing our times, in presence of spirit, with the World. I love you, Jesus Christ, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, with one heart to heal. Wendy
© 2022-2023 inpresenceofspirit.com Wendy Yvette Greenwell