In Jesus Christ name I pray,

Moon without a flash
Holy Spirit of You Jesus Christ, help me, guide me, direct me to where You want me to start working on the writings again

Jesus, I do not know what to do. I am at a stand still, and I am having a lot of eye pain, migraines,  “that were not migraines at all.”

Oh, Jesus where is my passion?

    Where is my focus? Where is my love? My life? My understanding? I am missing You, Oh Lord in Your Holy Spirit, I am calling out Lord Jesus Christ my Lord, my life, my only reason for living still.

I want to feel Your Presence.

    I want to feel Your soft touch. I want to hear Your still small voice saying, “Complete Wendy what I have given you to do. Finish “In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord.” 

I believe with all my heart

    You are the Author through Your Holy Spirit with me and guided me even if sometimes I think I am alone. My Lord, My Savior, My Holy Father, My Husband, My Friend, My Companion, My Master of Creation, My Jesus Christ through Your Holy Spirit, I need to hear from You. April 23, 2007

Dear Lord in Your Name I do Pray.

    Thank You, Jesus Christ, for this day help me and everyone in all Your Ways. Bless The World with Your Salvation, Your Love Throughout All Ages.

Help me Lord do Your Will.

Holy Spirit of You Jesus Christ, help me, guide me, direct me to where You want me to start working on the writings again. I so desire to get closer to You. To hear You, when You speak, to be lit up with the joy of Your Everlasting Breath.

    Bless me to understanding Your Words through The scriptures and whatever books, I need to read on getting closer to You. Thank You, Jesus Christ, Thank You Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ. April 21, 2007, Wendy Yvette Greenwell

© 2007-2023 Wendy Yvette Greenwell


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