I need to get my, “In Presence of Spirit,” papers out.

Front yard Moon Photo
No recent Photo’s the phones camera thumbs down

    We can do it, we will do it. “Angels we have heard on high,” that you are around to help in things we desire.

    Guardian Angels, Arch Angels all of you, The entire Legions of Angels. This is my desire to share my experience to the World.

    I need to work on the writings. I have to, we will all do it together. I want to hear you. I want to understand the writings on the wall of my heart all over again.

    I want to capture, “In Presence of Spirit,” as I felt while I was writing it, and putting it together, and having the courage to follow it through. Safe Haven’s are already happening. Where to go from here? Wendy

© 2022-2023 inpresenceofspirit.com Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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