Dear Lord God Almighty,
Maker of The Heavens, and The Earth. We bow down, In Spirit, of The Heavenly Presence.

Bring Us, out of the wilderness and into, In Presence of Spirit. Clear the misconceptions of the negative part of History. Bring a new day, a new song, a new feeling of freedom from despair. Open Our hearts to understanding.
Spark the light that is, In Presence of Spirit, in the Ever Presence of Your Majesty. It is All for One, and One for All, for All Time. Not for a day, a week, a month, a year, for Eternity.
Heal the lineage of our Ancestors, DNA, that still lives in us. All the Wars for Religious sake! “Why cant we all be brothers and sisters. We can because we are!”
Cut the cobwebs of discontent, and clear the airwaves, inside and out, for a Generational Cleansing to a oneness in Truth, that is ours for the asking.
Heal the air that we breathe. Cut the cords of all the Generational Abominations of the negative side of doom.
“Bring gladness to hearts, for sure there is an end to pain.” Bring healing from All Trauma. Bring all afflictions to a halt. Rain down heavenly manna on the Whole Entire Oneness in Spirit. Here, there, and everywhere. In every dimension in time, space, and significant reason.
The Awakening has begun. Spark the light of Love in The One Soul of Eternity. One God All Mighty, One Son, and One Holy Spirit, The Holy Trinity that is ever-present.
“Knock and the door will be opened.” Hold fast my love for a new day, a new week, a new month, a new year, In Presence of Spirit, with You and everyone, who will read my writings one day. I ask, “for the forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them which are Sanctified by faith that is in Me. ” Jesus Christ
Stop the fighting, the wars, the history of what was, the causalities, all over the World. The Hate, The Crime, The Abuse in the Spiritual, Physical, Mental. The lies, the burdens, the pain and isolation, the narcistic controllers.
Heal the broken hearted. Bring the cures for every illness. Bring light to the darkened corners of our hearts. Open the eye of Our Hearts to You, My Lord, My Love, My reason for making it through all these years, sharing my writings.
Nothing is the same since my Son’s passing. Sleeping a lot. I fell at the end of February and hurt my left knee real bad.
Thank You Lord for this time, “In Presence of Spirit.” I Love you. ” “In the name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be World without end.” Amen. Wendy October 7, 2020
© 2020-2022 Wendy Yvette Greenwell