Jesus Christ, in Your Holy Name,
Jesus Christ, I am asking in Your name, “To Open Up The Windows of Heaven and Shine, Your Ever Loving Spirit on Mankind.
I Do Pray. In Jesus Christ Name, I Pray. Through the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, I Do Pray. In The Name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, I Do Pray. In The Name of The Holy Trinity, I Do Pray.
In Jesus Christ Name: I rebuke you Satan; you have lost the battle, you are under the Authority of Jesus Christ. You are a liar and deceiver, Jesus Christ, has taken away the sins of the World. Shut up Satan and go away. Jesus Christ is here with all the Legions of Angels. Jesus Christ, is Savior, and Lord. You are under His feet.
Oh Lord Have Mercy On Us. Christ Have Mercy on Us. God Have Mercy on Us. Holy Father Have Mercy on Us. Jesus Christ Have Mercy on Us. Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, Have Mercy on Us. Holy Mary Mother of Jesus Christ, Have Mercy on Us.
Jesus Christ, I am asking in Your name, to open up the windows of heaven and shine, Your Ever Loving Spirit on Mankind. Oh Lord have compassion, forgive me, for the choices that my children have made.
Free my mind up Lord Come Holy Spirit, teach me what is the width, height, length and depth of my existence, so I can complete that which has been given in Spirit. Jesus Christ, I want every one of the Universal ways and means. I do, want to go back to, Big Bend before it gets hot. I need an income. February 29, 2008, Wendy Yvette Greenwell
© 2008-2024 by Wendy Yvette Greenwell