I messed up big time.

Night Photo in the back yard
I fixed my site, I am not going to push any buttons on Theme’s again

I cannot stress over this major set back. I tried to fix it. I am going to leave it like this, until I figure it out. All I did was press the wrong button.

    So, now I need to calm down into patience. I will recite by writing, “Thoughts,” I wrote four days after my Divorce. Here it goes. From my memory, because it is written on my heart.

    “Thoughts are flowing with no where to hide. For all is gone, and you are thee that lights. The light of thine heart, soul, breath. And mind is exalted from the World ’round about.

    For it is thy will be done. For the strength I have is from thee. The knowledge I received through my tribulation is wisdom, and it has given me courage, and a faith that belongs to our Father in heaven.

    For it is our Father in heaven who walked with and protected me through the threshold of death and showed me life.

    I have taken my cross and borne it for many. I was buried and awakened, In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. I have been delivered of my trespasses and my iniquity. For I have no liens on one thing, not even my children.”

     I have more news. Tomorrow, RN, is coming to the house to set my friend up with routine visits. One Dr., one Physician  assistant with a Nurse, and now, routine visits. He did not show up. Monday, he will be here, it is a Nursing Service, once or twice a week.

    My sister is recovering. My Dad has a pig heart valve for eleven years. On the third of March, he is going to get the Nuclear test, after he goes through a 6 hour process. My brother has taken them, to all their appointments.

     I had to give myself some kind of break. It sure helped. I feel normal again. I do not drive unless I have to. See, nothing is the same, not even my website. “Now the website is back to normal. I am going to leave it like this.”

     It is not normal for me to write posts about my present day issues. The years have caught up. Time is at hand.

    The World needs the Holy Congregation of our Lord Christ Jesus, to unite the heavens, and the Earth in World triumph, in one with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

    This is my desire. To share, to anyone who needs a little or a lot of “In Presence of” Thank you, for checking my website out.

    I fixed my site by myself, I lost two days but it was worth it. I saved this post, because I had to get my backup, and restore on the 24th of February. It deleted this post, and “The Yellow Light.” Wendy

© 2023 Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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