“You are, and I am In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord.”

A moment in time
Right place, right time.

written by me. Where do I go from here? To the Father who is in heaven, and on Earth. To the Christ Consciousness, that is ready to ignite the light of I am, we all are, I am, anyway.


Our true identity is in,

the Holy Presence of God Almighty. An extension of the one true source, that is in us all.

    Lost in the fog, needing to be let free from the abominations of the Centuries. Hello!

    We will be alright! We are going to recover! Send forth the higher consciousness of our awareness.

    To activate all our God given rights. To be free to be me, eternally! Here on Earth, and in all the heavenly dimensions and dominium’s, of the higher levels, of the one awareness.

    From God the Father, through the Son, Jesus Christ. To the awakening of our souls, through Salvation, redemption, through the unveiling of Christ within, each one of us. Open up, and let the Son shine in. Help Lord, help humanity.

    Help Angels, God gave you charge over us, if we but ask, you will help. I am asking, I need help.

    Well, hello World. What can I say right here, right now. My mind is blank. It needs some activity to be, “In Presence of Spirit.”

    In spirit with the powers that be, are eternal. I believe in my heart, this is to be true.

    Spirit is Universal. No one is left out. No judge, jury, or clown master, here. Here inside the I am of me, I touched the universal presence in spirit, on every communication in spirit, on paper.

    I want the ignition, to ignite the light, that is in me again. I want to soar around the World and rain down blessings on Gaia, through the writings, I have written and Published to the World.

    I am at a crossroads in my life. I blurted my private conversations with the Lord on blogger, I made spontaneous decisions because my desire is to share my writing with the World.

    God Bless the World. God Bless the United States, and all the inhabitants of the World. God Bless our Ancestors, from number one.

    God Bless, In Presence of Spirit, in everyone that ever was, is, and ever will be, here, and in eternity. God bring down all your Arch Angels, Legions of Angels, The power of the Holy Spirit on the World.

    God Bless Humanity with the cure. All the eternal presence of the one source of existence. Hold fast the days to come when all will be free in God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Lord Help! We all need you now. Say no, to darkness! Say yes, to the light of day, inside out. Go ahead.

    One decade and a half, I have been working on my personal conversations with the Lord. My personal, “In Presence of Spirit, united in “You are, and I am In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord.”

    All extensions that have not been Published, waiting on the shelf to one day, read again. My journal of my personal journey from darkness to the light, Shared not hoarded. So what do you want to do Miss. Wendy?

    Do it yourself in the physical realm. It is done in the Spiritual Realm, signed, sealed, and delivered. Meant to be write. The whole incredible trip, beyond the veil of darkness, to the light so shining, with love to all Humanity.

    To the Presence of Spirit, within us all. Blessed to the Age of Aquarius. United in the Heavens, where all comes together, in the Cosmic Collective Connection, embracing the completion, days, weeks, months, years, decades.

    All we can go, is up. Up, up and away from the “repercussion of a masterpiece manipulator at our gate to finish off the realm of abominations, and to put an end to it through Christ Jesus Holy Spirit.”

    Heal the broken hearted, bring, and everlasting kiss of love in the name of Christ Jesus, blessed with the Holy Spirit, that is within reach in our inward being.

    Help Lord, Help with all the difficulties around the entire World. What a beautiful day, the twenty four hours through. The last day of the past, into the finest day on the Planet, for everyone on Earth.

    Heal the Earth of this plaque that has caused so many deaths. Oh Lord, help with all the issues. Open up to the healing of heart, soul, in the inner being of your eternal soul. Wendy

© 2022-2023 Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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