Lord, show me thy way,

Night Photo in the backyard
A normal night, capturing interesting photo’s in the dark with a flash

thy way is so much grander, and I wish to walk out firmly in your presence. My heart longs to be one in Spirit, again.

    Clouded through darkness of one’s ever presence. Without is so lonely, with you want no separation, but God will stomp out the deceit, and truth shall prevail.

    The time is now, Lord. Scary as it seems my mouth has got to open. I need to venture out into the unknown. In the arms of grace deliver Satan into the bottomless pit.

    Abolish the abominations of desolation caused by the negative side of doom. Bring the light to the Multitudes. Sin does not discriminate, we are all born of sin. We are all predestined, to enter the kingdom of heaven within.

    The doors have been opened. He is calling us in. Them that understands, let him come into the inner chamber, and follow the calling of your spiritual quest, to come into Father God, Father Son, Father of the holiest Spirit. In Christ we trust. Ours for the asking. Wendy

© 2022-2023 Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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