Some time in one’s life,

they ultimately give their entire burden to God. Acceptance, Baptism, Deliverance, then each phase, each remembrance is brought to the surface. It is analyzed. It gives it, to the Lord Christ Jesus, in spirit.
It will be lifted off your shoulders. You will feel your first breath of relief, that has been weighing on you for what seems like an eternity. Then one by one, each fragment is processed, without you having to do much at all.
God is my night and shining armor. The Holy Spirit gave me words to write to guide me out of darkness into the light of God’s ever presence.
You have seen me in darkness, and you have seen me in the light. You have witnessed what I have been telling you all along.
I need to finish off, what was started when I wrote, “In Presence of Spirit.” It is for God’s purpose. The purpose is for the entire Universe’s, no one left out.
To be free to be me, with the love of God enlightened in the darkest corners of our soul. Everyone’s soul, not just mine. To be free to be me. To be free to be you. In the I am of anyone who will ever read my writings.
It is in the “I,” of me. The “I,” of you, The “I,” of anyone, it is the omnipresent, the omnipresence, the omnipotent will of God, that it be written in the present tense. Wendy
© 2022-2023 Wendy Yvette Greenwell