Oh, Lord God Almighty;

When I drove up to it, it had his head out, then he pulled it in.

we need a multitude of blessings for Humanity to open up and let the Son of God in.

    Holy Father, I Pray to You, and Your Son, and The Holy Spirit, The Holy Trinity. To activate a Spiritual break through for the entire World. Free the World from their bondage.

    I do not know what to do! I am worried and time has skipped by, and I feel drained of energy. Rain down energy on Humanity and myself. Bring the light of love back into the hearts and soul of Human-kind.

    Bring down Your Presence in Spirit to All Humanity. Release the fear, the worries, and anxieties. Bring forth Your Almighty Power, and Rain Down Heavenly Manna of Blessings on All of Human-kind. Bring Love to a oneness of Truth. Open our hearts to understanding.

     I put my hazard lights on. I had to save it. Right in the middle of the road. Grabbed a shirt, picked it up, and brought it home. Peanut got to close, she was sick the next day. I called Animal Control, they relocated it to a pond. Wendy

© no-date – 2022 Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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