Jesus, I am sorry, I did not promote our book,

Close up of a rain drop
Rain drop with a bright light

it is not to late. I need to bypass the Publishing Company. I place, “In Presence of Spirit,” the book in the Holy Spirit’s, hands.

    In touching the presence in Spirit Lord, it is an honor to have been able to write, the writings, the Holy Spirit, guided, and directed.

    I am reading truth books again, and so, I pray to be able to reach you, in the here, and now of yesterdays, tomorrows. I wish to be able to write again, and put the extensions together in a journey that I went on with you.

    I love you Lord. I need you. I pray to learn all over again, the treasures, the guidance, the wisdom, courage, understanding, and knowledge, the patience, fortitude, the passion for living in the spirit of our heavenly Father.

    I desire the ability to overcome my present obstacles, and so wish to demonstrate, a calm spirit in you. With assurance, and dedication to get this job done.

    I want to concentrate, and meditate the new awakening spirit to be accepted. I want to be part of the solution. Help me Lord, to gain depth, length, and width, height, guide me to where you want me to be. Oh Lord, help. Wendy

© 2023 Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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