I was on a roll last month.

Night Photo no rain
I took a bunch of Photo’s that night

Hi, things have changed drastically. My sister had a heart attach, and is in the Hospital. The Doctors saved her life. I am sure she does not want me telling anyone. I feel I need to tell you anyway.

Guess who they are sending her home to, yeah, me. I am overwhelmed. It is Daddy’s birthday today, he is 89 years old.

    The Nurse came to see Richard today. No changes, no help, from the outside. So, I am responsible for three people now. My twin is here but after she leaves, I am pretty much on my own. Oh Lord, Oh God, help! 02/04/22

    Oh Lord, have mercy on us all. Got lost in the shuffle, need to come up for air. Help Lord, in your sweet mercies. Bring gladness to hearts for sure there is an end to the pain, and desolation, one goes through in their own solitary confinement, inner chamber.

    I make no excuses for my boldness in all my writings. Not only the ones I have shared, but to the ones that might not ever be read.

    My loss for cause was worth the wait. I knew I was leaving to the end of time. Never to return to the simple basics of life. Starting with out scars so detrimental that nothing could cover them, or for that matter, ease there pain, inside me.

    Then, out of the blue sky. The Love of God the Father, came shining through in the writing of, “In Presence of Spirit.” Then to write the extensions of the one writing. Always knowing that one day I will share. Share I have done, and I will continue, until it’s time, to quit. Wendy

© 2022-2023 inpresenceofspirit.com Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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