I Love you Jesus Christ.

Out of the blue, spheres of light. I had fun.

You are the Light of this World. You are Supreme in your Majesty. You took that gut wrenching pain right out of me, and freed me of the plague of darkness, and brought me into the light of your ever presence. Every time I called You, In Presence of Spirit.

    The writings I have Published are, “In Presence of Spirit,” with You my Lord and Savior. For without you I had that void, with you, I am one in Spirit. I Love to be, “In Presence of Spirit,” with you Lord.

    I am worried. Lord Jesus Christ, right here, right now. I give you all my burdens. You know what is weighing heavy in my life. Oh Lord forgive me for being burnt out yet again. Help me to take care of the things at hand.

    Oh Lord, bring gladness to hearts for sure, there is an end to the pain. Through your Mercy. Lord I give to you my Ever Lasting Love, through your Wings of Grace on the Multitudes, through and through.

    Help the ones that are searching for you. Help them find you in their ever presence. See us through to the rest of eternity. Lord guide us, and direct us to your Presence in Spirit. “In the here, and now of yesterdays tomorrows.” No Date

©2022 inpresenceofspirit.com Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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