I like the flames of a candle.

Magnified photo shot between my evergreens, front yard, no longer the same
I like the flames of a candle, the cool breeze on my face.

     I like the cool breeze on my face. We are having an unseasonable heatwave of sorts. Angels Gather Together, and Let Us Together, In Jesus Christ Name: Proclaim The Prosperity of Salvation, Through Jesus Christ Our Savior, To The Opening of Our Ever Lasting Soul.

I need all your help.

    If physical people have not yet helped me, then the only place to go is The Heavenly Angel Messengers, which is given to each one of us if we but ask, and it will be provided.

“Seek, and ye shall find.”

    Knock, and the door will be opened,” Speak and you shall hear. My existence is to, in the process, help save the World, one person at a time, NO! Millions, it is out there. It is significant; it will help, bring Jesus Christ, back into the eye of me, (Us) that is not consumed by the World.

Lord Hear Our Prayers.

    We are here, first thoughts. Michael Arch Angel, what are your precepts? Precept- a command or principle intended as a general rule of action or conduct.

What specific tasks do you help?

    Where is the prophet? How many are there? Everyone is a potential prophet. Uttering Heavenly Murmurs of job wrapped, with Love, and Abounding Joy, in Our Father’s hands, is Our Treasures, Saved Up For Us.

Healing of Heart, Mind, and Soul, Forgiveness,

“for all have come short of The Glory of God.” Sheathing of the old spots, that have grown a wart on it, nitro it off, with The Ignition of Salvation, through Baptism to Deliverance, To Lamentation, Supplications, Justification.

    The Principalities of The Process of The Spiritual Awakening, from and through, Our Heavenly Father. The massive tests. I failed again, so I am regrouping, and I am going to find my faith, my Jesus Christ, my reason for living still. I Love You, Jesus Christ. It feels so good to be writing again. October 22, 2004, Wendy Yvette Greenwell

© 2004-2024 inpresenceofspirit.com by Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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A Journey from darkness to the light.