I am on my own again. My brother, and twin sister, left yesterday.
I have two days left, on Godaddy.com. I did not do anything on the Security. I did delete all the back ups of the past.
I do not know what to think about all of this. How can I do it all over again. I can not. I bought a 1 TB hard drive so I can save it. I need to figure out, how to do it.
I also read that I do not have, to have a privacy page because I am a closed Website, no transactions what so ever. It has not made a cent.
This gift was given freely, and I shared it, without putting any kind of price on it. It is a priceless manuscript, to me.
I followed through with every entry into, “In Presence of Spirit.com.” It is my own, everything. It is the reason I am breathing still. It is my desire to share my times, In Presence of Spirit, with anyone who finds it.
Now, I cannot be spontaneous, because they might shut me down on the 11th for something, I did not do. Who do I talk to, they are all workers from home. I want to talk to the President of the Company. Who is that.
Hello, I am not freaking out. Whoever you are that has been following, in your own way, inpresenceofspirit.com, it might not be here on the 11th of March. I am not mad. I am not crying. I had nothing to do with them setting up my Security. I can say, WTF.
So, with all of this, as I once said, I asked no one’s permission, advise, input. I have Published 580 writings, maybe I went over board on the Photo’s. I do not have time to take them off again.
I felt the, I have to of it all. It is done. I can not change what I have done. I wanted to share since the beginning with “In Presence of Spirit,” the first writing. Over, three decades ago.
I produced it, in my website. By myself. I went into a foreign zone, the internet. It is oh so weird, that I would have the courage to do this. The boldness in all the words that came out of my experience. Looking past myself, to complete my website.
I do not know how it is going to turn out. With God’s Holy Spirit, all things are possible. I put inpresenceofspirit.com, in your hands, Lord. Wendy
© 2022-2023 inprsenceofspirit.com Wendy Yvette Greenwell