Something is going on.

This is the dawning of The New Age. I am behind in the times

    All these positive attributes of The State of Being in One With the Universe. I Am Happy To Meet You, “In Presence of Spirit.”

    This is the dawning of the New Age. I am behind in the times, but I am gaining, “The Universes, in heart, mind, and soul. Took a clearing of the cobwebs, to look past my limitations, and come back to the main theme, “The Kingdom of Heaven is Within Our Beings!”

    There is a Universal Connection with the Universe, the Archangels, the Guardian Angels, of each one of us. The Legions of Angels, that surround us, we did not know they are here.

    It took me a long time to run across the other side of the mountain, and listen to these awesome, beautiful aspects of The Oneness that is with, and through The Eternal Being of Our Heart and Soul.

    Yes there is more to Mortality then meets the eye, and it is an outstanding experience, To Be One with the Most Holy. I am, and You are one with The Universe. One in Spirit, One in the Lord. One, “In Presence of Spirit.” “You are, and I am In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with The Lord.”

    By invoking the Spiritual Legions, the Archangels, the Thrones, Powers, and Dominion. By activating the powers that be.

    Gathering of The Love of God The Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. In One with the Blessed Mother Mary, All the Archangels, the Guardian Angels, the Legions of Angelic Angels,

Assisting Mankind to Come Home To the Kingdom of Heaven within. One on one communication, transcribed through the airwaves, and given its place in Eternity.

    Eternity is right here, right now, and I have opened the door to my heart, to understand my place in Jesus Christ Universal World Awakening.

“For whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.” It is in the I of me, and you, and anyone, who ever reads my writings.

    Even though I was unaware, I was guided out of darkness into the light of all my times, “In Presence of Spirit.” To You With One Heart To Heal. July 16, 2016, Wendy Yvette Greenwell

© 2016-2023 inpresenceofspirit.com Wendy Yvette Greenwell


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