Clear up!
Get concise with precise precision, bull’s eye all the way around. Even though… Find what you are looking for.
We have your love, we have your courage, we have your patience, we have your eternal resurrection to life, love and the pursuit of your presence in spirit, right here, right now, and always, in presence of spirit. 2012
We are all spiritual brothers and sisters in eternity. Open up the hearts and minds of all beings and bring gladness to our hearts for we know we are not alone, The Holy Congregation of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, are in the internal chamber of our souls.
It was not about money. It is sharing until now when I need to share to more people. Statements of truth in spirit. I must claim them as my own. They are in spirit, with the Lord’s Holy Spirit, he said we can have, and share. When it is the Holy Spirit’s time for me to finish this off. It will be open and receptive.
I was on a mission, twenty seven years in the making. I can not give up on sharing my writings. I am the Author, through inspired revelations, the writer, the editor, the data entry, developing the whole process my way.
Because, all in all, Spirit is in the air of every writing. In the depths of my being touching, “In Presence of Spirit,” at the same time sharing with the World, as I wrote. Even if you do not give it some time.
I refuse to be embarrassed on my part in this. It was meant to be written by the I am in me that was given the gift of communication in Spirit, to the Lord., is my proof. I give all of it one big giant hug. 12-15-22, I have been out to lunch since my respite. So I am going to Publish this today. God bless everyone. Wendy
© 2022 Wendy Yvette Greenwell