Category Archives: 1997


I am writing, a letter to you in secret.

Over Seas
You Are Mine Internally, and I Have Shared You To The World

While writing, you are here with me. You are the most sacred secret, in my being. You have always been with me, even when I was in darkness. I went against to fight the fires.

 So few people were’ put in my direct path.

    I needed to do it, once in the fire, back away, closed up, no understanding, new things, nothing stuck, years flew by, many I feel I lost, but I was there all the while. Do you understand? No feeling, dead inside, no life, the utter loss and destruction of the end of the desolation, was downright horrible, as bad as bad can be.

I lost you let me fight, till the bitter end.

    I knew I was leaving but when the time was shown, no other second would have sufficed. You completely enveloped my life. I want you back complete. You are The Presence of Spirit. You are, The highest. You are my life, my love, my peace, my substance, my feelings, my understanding.

You are the first and last breath, I take.

    You are Soul. You are Spirit. You are Life. You are my beloved, in the very depths, of the sphere, that you are from me. Through You and Only You, is Life Internally Eternal.

The Light of Your Love envelops my spirit, with yours.

    You walked into me at the Arroyo, I felt you, it was not my imagination.
You wanted me to live with you forever.

I Love You. You are mine internally, and I have Shared You, To The World, through, My Love For You. In the writings, that Your Comfort Brought, To The Knowledge You Unfolded. Through the Love of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.

    Oh, this was supposed to be in secret. As it is written, “there is not one thing in secret, that will not be revealed.” Blessed too, “In Presence of Spirit.” January 17, 1997 Wendy Yvette Greenwell

© 1997-2024 by Wendy Yvette Greenwell


“Calling some women “nuts,”

My Moon Photo
We Lose Our Spontaneity and Our Independence

So accessing, a surprise divorce attack, on October 23, 1997. I feel the imminent need, to write a note to you, regarding your answer, about divorce. Oh, your answers are glorified, but it is the man’s answer, not, The Woman’s, to any degree.

Outsiders, do not understand, why these women, have lost themselves, to jealousy, possessiveness, out of control obsession: it is a degenerative process.

After the honeymoon, then what?

    The woman takes care of the man’s every need; feedings, not feelings, cleaning, do this, do that, get, this, get that, don’t do this, don’t do that, lecturing of bull dung and submitting ourselves, to their, every whim, their nights out, and all our, nights alone.

    Then there comes the baby; then the child is first. Extra work, cycles into a degenerative process, and the women drown. Name-calling, acts of disrespect, the drinking days, become more frequent. The man gets less cared for, because the wife, is tending to the baby’s needs, which are on call, twenty-four hours a day. Who, does not know, that?

    The woman is exhausted! The days, cycle to weeks, weeks to months, months to years. Baby two, once again days weeks, months. Baby three, no time off. 82, 84, 86, Gallbladder surgery September 28, 1984, nine-inch cut, sixty-nine stones. Four months, after my son, was born.

Even, if the woman, is not working out of the home.

    She is taking care of not herself, but everyone else. No time off! Financially dependent, isolated, all needs magnified with Mom. Especially when left on her own, to do the daily devotional, and then nightly routine, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, the same routine, exhausted.

    We lose our spontaneity and independence. Our husbands have to male bond, with outings of drinking, hearing the same stories, while wife gets over neglected.

    The love that once was has taken a journey, to the other side. The control of the situation becomes a negative cycle. “silent abuser” anger, frustration, fights over money, man being dominant, over the woman, intimidated, isolated, controlled, acts of violence, called ugly disgusting names, having to submit to lies, deceit, etc.
    They have their life, and we isolate with our children. We are beaten down verbally daily: nothing is good enough except sex-Ha! Of course we get poked, pinched, pulled, thrown, spit on, cursed at, called ugly disgusting names, squashed, joint crunches, bloody lips, bruised on the extremities, plus crunches in the glands around the jaw, that do not show bruising but hurt for so long, slaps, and pokes with objects. (Once is too much) Intimidated, we feel we are unworthy, so we withdraw deeper. We do complain, to a few, and we get told to leave the situation, but we know we cannot. It is not that easy.

The repetitious cycles, close ourselves off to relief, and we feel and are bound, in silent emotional, physical, mental, spiritual, verbal anguish.

     Our Spirit of Life has hit, the darkened corners of, Our Presence, “death in the flesh.” Our soul, our life, is in bondage; the chains are linked, through the cobwebs of years, submitting to our alcoholic, controlling, dominating, male chauvinist, pig “Narcissist husbands.  Then we find out, all the while, Our Once Beloved, has been loving someone else while abusing Us.
 I am speaking for Women, in the World, who have lived the degradation of a blessed unity, that has turned to crap.
    All of Us Will Overcome, Through The Blood of Christ Jesus. Where lies Justification, In Him, Through Him, Round About Him. From God Through Christ Jesus, To Us. Total Salvation, In The Oneness of Spirit, Through Christ Our Lord.
    I demanded justification from the Judge Then I ended up losing my husband, my children, my home, and all my belongings, my choice at thirty-six years old, only having worked out of the house, a couple of months. I refused to say, I did not want, A Divorce. I turned to the system thirteen and a half years too late, and it did not recover me, and my three children.
    So I gave my burden to God through Christ Jesus, and he and his new wife have everything. I found understanding, of the wherefore art thous, on these critical issues, and will publish a book, for all the afflicted. In Christ Jesus’ hands, this matter lies. I did send it to her, did not hear back.
He took me to Child Support Court, two months, before he gave me back, all three of my Children, January 17, 1998.

    On the 17th, I came down to the Valley to go to Child Support, to tell them what he was doing. They said it was OK, so I went back, and on the 18th, I took total responsibility for my three teenagers.

    9/3/15 At that time, I had two years of my book, and that is what is in, “In Presence of Spirit.” It was what I had ready. It was not complete. It took me till, October 1999, for them to take me off the CS and give me complete custody of my three Teenagers, oh and credit me, what I had paid, and what they said I owed, they did not pay me back a cent.

    We lost two years, ten, twelve, fourteen, got them back twelve, fourteen and sixteen. So now all these years later, The second Mrs. of the husband of my youth, tells me on the phone, that My only and ever Husband, is not the Father, of my three living children, and my nine grandchildren, one in heaven, are not his grandchildren.

    Blood-wise, they are, but he was not there for the grand-babies births or for that matter anything else. He has not even met his eighth grandchild, second girl. Yes, I did not want him, to go to jail, for his outstanding Child Support bill, so I wrote a note to the Attorney General and said I want to take it off, but it was only because everything he did for me when I did not work. I stayed home with my babies, where I wanted to be and he too.

    So whatever I personally cost him, I am paid in full, and we are severed. He had the kids two years, 0 to ten, twelve and fourteen, then twelve, fourteen, sixteen, to date, To mention I carried them for 27 months of pregnancy. I am the one that has been here for them. August 3, 2014

    October 12, 2014, Seriously I cannot force myself to fix this one, and Publish it, the right way. I cannot draft it, so your reading, as is, for now. It is the hardest one. oh man, I have to update. November 17, 2014, It is fixed as best as I can personally do. Thanks for reading. Wendy. Okay, I fixed it and added a little bit. Thank you for reading the writings of Wendy

© 1997-2022 by Wendy Yvette Greenwell