Lord, guide and direct me out of darkness,

Side front yard love this Photo
One of a kind Photo, it is not the moon

into the light of the presence in spirit. Can I be holy? According to God’s word I already am. I want to be in complete presence in spirit with God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, in Jesus Christ Holy Union. I want to be alive in Spirit with our Lord Christ Jesus.

    I give you this prayer Lord, for it is you, I long for. I want the ignition switch, to be ignited again. It will be ignited in the light of our Lord, Savior, Jesus Christ blood of blessings.

    Oh Lord, thou art Holy, you are the eternal one of my soul. You are guiding me out of darkness into the light of the ever presence, in spirit again. I know that your sovereignty is eternal, in each soul, eternally.

    My will is tired of the same ole’ pattern. I had to give my brain a rest. But now I can not feel, I can not see past the barriers, that stand before me. I have hardened my heart. I wish to have it open, and receptive. I am dull and achy. I hate the South Texas, scorching heat.

    You, Lord, blessed me to, “In Presence of Spirit.” April 1988. I have not let it go. It has grown so big. Show me what you want me to do with it now. So many years later. It still means the same thing every time I work on them.

    The kingdom of heaven is within. Jesus Christ words. God the Fathers words. Spirit filled words from all the writers in the World, past, present, future. Our words. The words I have written are meant to perpetuate a long conversation with the Lord in spirit, not without. Wendy

© 2022-2023 Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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A Journey from darkness to the light.