I was asleep, I heard a voice say:

Night Photo of the Moon
After the trees were gone

Wendy wake up! Loud, I said, what!

Good day Lord, thank you for this day, bless the World in everyway. Help us, guide us, direct us, hold us all together in the hands of grace. Protect us.

    Lord, I need to pray for myself. “In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be World without end.”

    Help me, guide me, ignite the light that is you in my heart again. Bring the Holy comfort down, and rest with me for eternity.

    Open my heart to understanding again. Help me open up to the presence in spirit again. Clear the air waves. Bring light in the portal of my very existence.

    Claim the Divine Gifts, of eternal being, in oneness with the Almighty God. With the Universe, with the Multi-Universe, with all our one true love. The Divine Source within us all.

    Open up, and ignite the love of the one source of existence. Let the Son of God shine in. In breath, in length, in height, in depth, in width, all in acceptance, all for the one source that brought us into existence.

    Thank you Jesus Christ, for bringing me home, “In Presence of Spirit.com” My God, my Lord, open up the heavens, and rain down heavenly blessings, on humanity, and flush this virus away.

    Hope, love, compassion, passion, understanding, knowledge, patience, guidance, love, fortitude, guided, strength, light, journey, acceptance. Wendy

© 2022-2023 inpresenceofspirit.com Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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