Tag Archives: blessed


Nothing to write.

God Bless You, Where You are Right Here, Right now

God bless you, where you are right here, right now. God bless you with the understanding of the oneness in Christ, in you and me. Your Spirit is ever binding in these pages, Lord. I have been so blessed to write.

    Knowing {always knowing,} one day they will be read, and they will be hopefully understood. People will start waking up, Without the load of the lost, hurt, chained, and gagged, feeling. To see it beyond the veil has brought us closer to the end of pain, and peace to our souls.

    The effect of, “World Awakening,” “bring gladness to hearts for sure there is an end to the pain.” Which are a constant ritual cleansing to the only truth that is through accepting, Jesus Christ, as your Personal Savior?

    He took the pain, The anguish, the fear, the desolation, the guilt, the worries and anxieties, and let me write, “In Presence of Spirit,” with Him, in me and I in Him. One with Him, in Spirit. I have not had that gut-wrenching pain, I always had without Him. “The Holy Spirit.” 


    Even though all the tests, trials, and tribulations of Mankind and in each individual. He does free you from the over-laden years of discontent, submission, abuse, degradation, war, the casualties, the lives subjected to pure fear and death. The repercussions of war, nowhere to hide, know where to go, flashbacks, highlights, full-blown out war, inside and out.

    Talk to Him and have a conversation with Him. He says, “I am with you always.” Yes for sure and then; day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year, we will have all these conversations, in Spirit, with the Lord Himself, to share. November 29, 2010, Wendy Yvette Greenwell  

© 2010 – 2024 inpresenceofspirit.com by Wendy Yvette Greenwell